September 16, 2024

A: No, it was only Omar Khan and Mike Tomlin, plus one or two scouts who stayed for the entire week. No team ever sends out their whole roster—that would be way excessive. Usually merely the general manager and head coach are eliminated, followed by the designated scouts.

Will the Steelers do anything to save money on Cam Heyward’s contract or could he just retire?

A: Cam isn’t going away; he’s coming back. He’s not going anywhere, but I would anticipate that the Steelers will turn a portion of his pay into a roster bonus in order to avoid going over the cap.

A: I think the latter is more likely. Rooney is overly patient and inexpensive. He doesn’t seem to get that a strong defense and a mediocre quarterback are no longer enough to make you a contender in 2002. It’s the quarterback’s age. You have no chance if the other players on your squad are as close to flawless as possible and you don’t have a strong one, or at least one that is above average. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a major announcement. The “competition” at quarterback will be Ryan Tannehill and a mid-round draft selection.

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