September 17, 2024

WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix revealed a terrifying early-career story in a recent interview with Chris Van Vliet: she shattered her jaw a month after making her WWE debut in 2006. Phoenix described how the injury happened during a match versus Victoria and how it left her in a hospital bed, concerned for her career.

Phoenix, popularly known as “The Glamazon,” called the incident a catastrophic setback to her dreams.

I’ve ruined everything, I’ve sacrificed everything at that time. I really hadn’t had a chance to start making any money. I put my family second, everything my whole life, I had put all my eggs in the basket of wrestling and it blew up right in front of me.

The injury came at a critical juncture, as Beth Phoenix was poised to make her mark alongside wrestling icons such as Trish Stratus and Mickie James.

This was my moment, I’m standing beside Trish Stratus, I’m working with Mickie James and everything crashed.

Phoenix received encouraging calls from important WWE figures despite her initial dejection. Howard Finkel checked in to make sure she was handling things well, and Stephanie McMahon gave her a motivational pep talk. She was experiencing difficulties, but their words of support made her feel less anxious.

Victoria, her opponent in the match, also apologised for what had happened. Phoenix promptly assured her, nevertheless, that the injuries was not her fault.

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